Great Parnassus Resort & Spa Info

All of us at Vacationkids wondered where they came up with the unusual name.....Par-na-SUS (pronounced like Doc-tor-Suess). We did a little homework and found out that back in the days of Greek Mythology, Parnassus was the mountain home of the gods and their muses. So...if the Great Parnassus was the home of the gods...we figure your family will find their vacation muse here too.
The Great Parnassus Resort & spa is located a short 15 minute ride from Cancun Airport. The design of the impressive lobby captures the ocean breezes and revitalizes you upon arrival. Again this area is not air conditioned but is designed to make the best ecological use of the winds off the water. Parents will be impressed with the safe, bright, inviting interior space with an open air feeling. Here is where most of the resort public areas are located. This hotel is designed from top to bottom with kid friendly features like see thru barriers so kids are tempted to climb to new heights while trying to look down into the lobby.